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вторник, 1 апреля 2014 г.

Theatre Part II

TASKS for Chapters 3-6

I. Explain in English or give definitions of and find contextual synonyms for the following words and phrases:

Asset - critical contribution
a sumptuous supper – luxuriant supper
extravagance – bluing
thrift – chariness
to remonstrate - object to
equanimity – immovability
at a loose end - out of square
to jeopardize – endanger
alacrity – eagerness
susceptible to - mentally alert
obsequious – menial
a retainer – a deal

II. Find quotations in the text. State their meaning and their function.

“Neither a borrower nor a lender be” – here is the meaning that you shouldn’t lent your money to anybody. Besides, it’s not a good idea to borrow some money too. The function of this quotation is to illustrate Michael’s character.

"I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honor more," – it refers to Julia. In this case, Michael means that Julia is on the second place in his ranking of things, which are really important in life. The function is to show his attitude to her.

"Lord, what fools these mortals be," – it refers both to Michael and Julia. It is a position toward their relationship from the side of Jimmie Langton. The meaning here is that a wife and a husband can’t find understanding between each other, in Jimmy’s opinion. The main function is to show the director’s side in this question.

III. Explain the metaphor "she is a millstone round his neck." Who does it refer to?

The meaning of this metaphor is that our main heroine, Julia seems to be burden for her husband. This doesn’t allow anything wrong from her point of view. It refers to the woman. All this situation is holding Michael under a huge pressure of feelings.

IV. Comment on the context of the following phrases:

- "He was too modest to resent an unfavorable criticism." (Ch.3) – it is a characterization of Michael. Modesty is one of the features of his character.

- "... after all he was born a gentleman." (Ch.4) – it is again about the man. He has a great life experience, overcomes lots of things. They made him a gentleman.

- "He is going to be a flop." (Ch.5) here is a sentence of the director, Jimmu Langton and his position towards Michael’s leave to America as an actor. This sentence predict his future in the foreign country.

- "'I suppose it's beastly of me,' she thought, 'but thank God, thank God.'" (Ch.6) – here are Julia’s words. She holds herself out as a very strong in spirit woman.

VI. What techniques are employed by the author to make the reader see the events through Julia's eyes?

It is the thirst person narration.

VII. Answer the questions:

1. Who was Jimmie Langton and what role did he play in Julia's and Michael's lives?
Jimmie Langton was a director and he possessed his own theater and a group of actors. He played a great role in lives of our characters. He applied them for a job as actors. They played leading roles in all his plays.
2. When did Julia and Michael join the Middlepool Theatre Company?
They joined this company at the beginning of their careen on the scene.
3. How did Julia and Michael get to know each other?
The got to know each other through a play, where they had to play side-by-side roles. They had rehearsals together.
4. What did Julia like about Michael?
He liked everything about him, especially his life’s position.
4. What did Michael think of good looks and decent families?
He thoughts, that both these things were important in life of any person.
5. How did Julia feel about her family?
She felt disappointed about her family, as there was nor harmony their.
6. What were Michael's views on marriage?
His view on marriage - it was a serious step in life of any person. People who have already got married should help each other. Besides a wife and a husband are to concentrate on family business.
7. Why did Michael find Julia extravagant?
He found her extravagant, because she could change her mood in a minute, what said about her great talent.
8. What did Michael read newspaper reviews for?
He read newspapers reviews for being in a date whether his roles were successful or not.
Did Julia share his views?
Julia didn’t share his views; she was an actress with other understanding of theater’s life itself.
9. Who invited Julia to Michael's house for the Holy Week?
Michael and his family, involving a mother and a father himself invited Julia to his house.
10. Did Michael's father meet Julia's expectations?
Michael’s father didn’t meet Julia’s expectations, but he full met her criteria.
11. What impression did Julia produce on Michael's parents?
She produced great impression of a very kind lady.
12. Was the proposal expected by Michael's parents?
Yes, it was. They both were very happy.
13. What professional offer did Michael receive and who facilitated this?
Michael received a role in a theater in America. Langton facilitated it.
14. What steps did Julia take upon finding Michael was leaving for America?
She was full emotional exhausted. She burnt into tears. She was totally disappointed.
15. Was Michael a success in America?
Michael wasn’t successful in this country.
16. Did Julia keep in touch with him while he was away?
They were in touch, having sent mails each other.
17. Was Julia eager to meet Michael straight at the station?
Yes, she was. It was Liverpool.
18. What were Michael's impressions after staying and working in America?
He was absolutely started to hate that society and the whole way of life.
19. What was Michael going to do in England and what were his prospects?
He was going to open his own theater where his wife would play leading roles, but firstly he had to find a sponsor for such a deal.

VIII. Summarize the events of chapters 3-6.

Both of the main characters have taken part in Langdon’s company. They start play side by side on the stage. Julia is a better actress than her husband. She is on public eye every time. Michael doesn’t jealous her, he loves her very much. They are going to open their own theatre one day. Michael has to go to army for several years after that he appears as a real gentleman. The man wants to introduce Julia to his parents. They are very fond of the girl. After such an awesome event he wants her to except his proposal. They get married one day. Michael is offered a contact in America. Following it, he is to stay their for a year. That’s why Julia can’t imagine her life without her husband. But Langdon is sure, that Michael will com у back soon, because he has lack of talent in his play on the stage.

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